Can I customize my domain name in TuCalendi?

Your TuCalendi domain is where you can publish your calendars and events. If you don't have your own website yet, we give you the solution to have your own booking page for any type of events you schedule.

You can customize the domain to match your name or your business name. It would be something like this:

where "your-choice" is the part you can customize. 

NOTE: You can only change your domain name once. Once you have chosen it, you will not be able to change it and it will be your booking page. Think carefully about the name you would like to have for your TuCalendi domain.

 It may happen that the name you choose is not valid or is already taken. If this happens we will inform you of the situation so you can choose another domain name.

Creating your domain name is very simple. Log in to TuCalendi and access your account settings.

Click on the "Account settings":

Domain name at  TuCalendi

Then, in the "Domain" field you can type the name you want your TuCalendi booking page to have. When you have typed it click on the "Save" button. 

In this example "v2support" already appears, the one we have assigned in TuCalendi