Choose the categories in which you want to appear in the marketplace

Choosing the categories in which you want to appear in the marketplace is essential so that when potential customers search or use the filters in the marketplace your entry is shown for the services you perform in your business.

Let's see how easy it is to add categories for an entry in the marketplace.

Log in with your username and password to TuCalendi. Go to the "Booking pages" option:

Booking pages

To configure the marketplace entry, locate the booking page you want to publish in the marketplace and click "Edit":

All configuration options appear in the horizontal menu of the booking page.

Click on "Marketplace":


In the "Category" field click on "Add" so that you can see all the available categories:

Category field

You only have to choose the categories in which you want to appear in the marketplace searches:

Category list 

You can choose up to three different categories

The categories must be selected individually and will be displayed in the categories field once they have been selected:

Categories added

Click on "Save" if you have not yet finished with the configuration of the marketplace entry and not to lose the changes you have made.

In case you already have all the information for the marketplace you must activate the entry:

Activate entry

Click on "Save and wait for approval" for our team to check the entry and activate your presence in the marketplace.

The approval of a new marketplace entry can take up to 24 hours after the request.