Set the maximum number of hours to be able to cancel bookings

It is common to set a time limit for customers who book with you to cancel an upcoming appointment. This avoids last minute cancellations and empty slots in your schedule that could have been used by other clients.

Let's see how to set the maximum number of hours before a booking so that customers can cancel the appointment.

Log in to TuCalendi with your username and password. Go to the "Calendars" option:

Calendar with events

Locate the event to which you want to set the limit of hours for customers to cancel the scheduled appointment....

In the horizontal menu, all the event configuration options appear.

Click on "Advanced".


In the "Cancellation" field you only have to indicate the number of hours limit for a meeting with you to be cancelled.

When you have indicated it, just click on the "Save" button to make the limit of hours for cancellation operative.

Remember to create the workflows to associate the cancellation template to the events.