TuCalendi Analytics

We are very excited to introduce TuCalendi Analytics, the new feature in our online appointment booking tool that allows you to take your meeting and time management to another level.

From now on, it is possible to access real-time, high-value statistics and analysis of the bookings you are receiving. From a simple reporting dashboard you can discover the activity performed by you or your team.

Trends such as:

  • The days you receive the most bookings.
  • The hours with the most activity.
  • Most popular events.
  • Completed meetings.
  • Team members with the most completed appointments.
  • Revenue generated.

They are displayed in a visual and intuitive way in order to optimize the work and achieve the desired goals.

With information based on real data of the activity being performed, all teams can accelerate the sales cycle, check time spent, improve customer acquisition or retention and make strategic decisions with data analysis to improve productivity and increase revenue.

With TuCalendi Analytics you will have a competitive advantage for your business and continue to differentiate yourself from your competition by having invaluable information to strategize.

Dashboard with TuCalendi Analytics

TuCalendi Analytics is only available for Pro Plan subscriptions.